Viruses and Worms

The internet is full of people who spend their days trying to infect your computer. This website should help you protect yourself from people trying to infect your computer with a virus or worm.

What are viruses and worms?

Viruses and worms are kinds of software intended to corrupt your computer. You may be wondering why you'd want to do this to someone, well in some cases it is used to get private information or to get access to someone's bank information or for the pure joy of trolling.

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You may have a virus if?

Ways to prevent this from happening to you are:

How to install a virus checker

Some reliable virus checkers are AVG, avast, or avira. When deciding which virus
checker you want keep in mind how much you're willing to spend because they can get
pricey. When you buy an virus checker your computer's wizard should guide you through the process

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Now you know all of the key information you'll need about viruses and worms.

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